Teaching Experience

Guest Lecturer, School of Education, University of Birmingham

June 2024 (Date to be confirmed)

Module title: Inclusion of children and young people with sensory impairment (MA Inclusion programme)

Seminar on Vision Impairment (Title to be confirmed)

Guest Lecturer, School Psychology Division of the Hellenic Psychological Society (online lecture; lecture topic has been subject to peer-reviewed process)

14 Apr 2024

Lecture’s title: Social and emotional development of children and adolescents with sensory impairments and the role of school

Guest Lecturer, Developmental Psychology Division of the Hellenic Psychological Society (online lecture; lecture topic has been subject to peer-reviewed process)

21 Mar 2024

Lecture’s title: Evaluation of educational interventions and the development of an educational game for the social and emotional development of children and adolescents with sensory impairments

Teaching Fellow, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham

Mar 2024 – Present

Module title: LC Research Methods B (03 08635 – Psychology Undergraduate Year 1)

Research Methods B involves lectures, computer practical labs, workshops, self-directed learning and research participation. Using Jamovi & Rstudio to support statistical analysis.

Workshop Sessions: Design, run and analyse a psychology experiment; Practical considerations around running experiments

  • Week 8: Writing the Abstract and Results Section
  • Week 9: Tips for writing Introductions & Discussions / Analysis Group Work
  • Week 10: Evaluating Research / Conclusions Group Work
  • Week 11: Open and Inclusive Science

• Statistics Test 1
• Statistics Test 2
• Essay (April 2024)
• Psychometric Critique (November 2024)
• Critical Review of Empirical Paper (November 2024)

University Grader of postgraduate assignment “Practical Task- Annotated Bibliography”, School of Education, University of Birmingham

Jan – Feb 2024

Module title: Understanding Literacy Difficulties

Guest Lecturer, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, King’s College London

7 Feb 2024
  • Module title: Introduction to Psychology 4PAHI2PS (Sport & Exercise Medical Sciences BSc)

    Lecture’s title: Night-time sleep duration and sleep timing across childhood and adolescence

Guest Lecturer, School of Psychology, University of Lincoln

14 Dec 2023
  • Module title: Vision Research (BSc Psychology)

Lecture’s title: The educational inclusion of students with vision impairment

Visiting Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Kingston University London

Oct 2023 – Mar 2024
  • Module title: Cognitive and Social Development (PS7005 – MSc Child Psychology)

Lectures’ titles:

  1. Development of Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour
  2. Vygotsky, Bronfenbrenner, and Essays
  • Module title: Development in Typical and Atypical Populations (PS7006 – MSc Child Psychology)

Lectures’ titles:

  1. Writing a Critical Review
  2. ASD – Diagnosis, Interventions & Policy
  3. ASD Theories
  4. Language Disorders
  5. Eye Tracking in Typical and Atypical Populations
  6. Williams Syndrome
  7. Face Processing
  8. Sensory Processing
  9. Typical Social and Academic Inclusion
  10. Atypical Social and Academic Inclusion With an Emphasis on Visual Impairment
  • Marking of 1,250 critical reviews on the topic “The social and academic inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities”
  • Module title: The Person in Psychology (PS7003 – MSc Psychology Conversion Course)

Lectures’ titles:

  1. Early Social Development
  2. Adolescent Development
  • Module title: Advanced Issues in the Psychology of Thinking (PS6008 – BSc Psychology)

Lecture’s title: Cognition and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

  • Social, Individual and Developmental Psychology (PS5002) tutorials

Key topics: Intelligence; individual differences; introduction to Developmental Psychology; language development; mathematical development; comparative cognition; attachment theory; Theory of Mind; social relations in human development; culture and social development

  • PS4004 tutorials

L4 Personal Tutor Groups on upcoming assignments; assessments (lab reports and poster); employability skills; academic writing and data analysis; marking of individual assessments of Foundations of Psychology (PS4002 – Level 4)

  • PS5000 Psychology tutorials

Key topics: Planning and organisation; study skills; handling information; communication skills (written and verbal); working with others; scientific/practical skills; improving learning and performance; information, communication and technology; problem solving; project work

Jan 2023 – Mar 2023

Guest Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Kingston University London

  • Module title: Historical and Philosophical Concepts in Psychology (PS4003 – BSc Psychology)

Lecture’s title: The history of Developmental and Educational Problems

  • Module title: Advanced Issues in the Psychology of Thinking (PS6008 – BSc Psychology)

Lecture’s title: Cognition and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

  • Module title: Development in Typical and Atypical Populations (PS7006 – MSc Child Psychology)

Lectures’ titles:

  1. Typical Social and Academic Inclusion
  2. Atypical Social and Academic Inclusion With an Emphasis on Visual Impairment
  • Module title: The Person in Psychology (PS7003 – MSc Psychology Conversion Course)

Lectures’ titles:

  1. Adolescent Development and the Effect of Social Environment
  2. Friendship Development and Types of Bullying

Module Convenor, Lecturer & Seminar Leader, Department of Organizational Psychology, Birkbeck, University of London

Jan 2022 – Jun 2022

Module Convenor & Lecturer

  • Module title: Workplace Health and Management (BUOB095HA – Level 4), one-term module

Preparation and delivery of face-to-face lectures on workplace and stress theories; work-life balance and the work-life interface; inclusivity; well-being; bullying; human error and system design; positive psychology; workplace interventions; neurodiversity; marking of case study reports.

Seminar Leader, Department of Organizational Psychology, Birkbeck, University of London

  • Module title: Work & Well Being (MOOP008H7 – Level 7), one-term module

Delivery of online seminars on technology in the workplace; wellbeing and mental health; engagement in the workplace; work-life balance; interventions; neurodiversity; marking of professional reports.

Associate Lecturer, Department of Psychology, London Metropolitan University

Sep 2021 – July 2022

Semester 3

  • Module title: Child Development and Behaviour (PC4053 – Level 4)

Delivery of in-person seminars on sex differences; Piaget’s theory; historical themes of development.

  • Module title: Personality (PC4052 – Level 4):

Delivery of in-person seminars on idiographic vs nomothetic methods; reliability and validity; Freud; measures of personality traits

Semester 2

  • Module title: Psychology of Learning and Education (PY7021 – Level 7; PC6055 – Level 6)

Delivery of in-person seminars on the debate “nature vs nurture”; autism; reading comprehension impairment; use of bibliographic databases.

  • Module title: Social and Cultural Understanding of Us and Others (PC5067 – Level 5)

Delivery of in-person seminars on intergroup relationships and prejudice; Kelley’s Covariation Model of Social Attribution; role relationships and identity; biases as part of social cognition.

  • Module title: Social Influences on Thinking and Behaviour (PC4055 – Level 4)

Delivery of in-person seminars on the Stanford Prison Experiment; Drive Theory and Evaluation Apprehension Theory; Theories of Reasoned Action & Planned Behaviour; explanations of aggression; The Yale Approach to Communication & Persuasion; Attribution theory & Interpersonal relationships; Assortative Mating; romantic attraction and relationships.

  • Module title: Cognition and Behaviour (PC4054 – Level 4)

Delivery of in-person seminars on the Brown-Peterson Task; Wisconsin-Card Task; long-term and short-term memory; language; thinking and reasoning; attention.

  • Module title: Foundations of Research in Psychology (PC3003 – Level 3; including the moderation of quantitative and qualitative lab reports)

Delivery in-person seminars on thematic analysis

  • Module title: Psychology of Everyday Life (PC3002 – Level 3)

Lectures’ titles:

  • Adolescent Development
  • Social inclusion: Why is it so Important in School?
  • The Role of Vision in Development

Semester 1

  • Module title: Development Across the Lifespan (PC5055 – Level 5)

Delivery of face-to-face and online academic seminars on childhood and infancy, perception and cognition in infancy, Theory of Mind, language

acquisition, memory development, maths development, development of intelligence and intellectual functioning in old age, critical evaluation and building arguments in psychology assessments (assessment preparation)

  • Module title: Individual Differences (PC5056 – Level 5)

Delivery of face-to-face academic seminars on reliability and validity and assessment preparation

  • Module title: Personality (PC4052 – Level 4)

Delivery of face-to-face academic seminars on idiographic vs nomothetic methods, Freud, mood and needs, personality, biological basis of the Big 5 Personality Traits and positive psychology.

  • Module title: Child Development and Behaviour (PC4053 – Level 4)

Delivery of a face-to-face academic seminar on child abuse and marking of academic essays on attachment styles.

Guest Lecturer, ICPS, College for Humanistic Sciences (ICPS is an international partner of UCLAn since 2007)

May 2022
  • Advanced Developmental Psychology Project (PS4906 – MSc Child Psychology)

Lecture title: Cyberbullying; tips to protect and support students

University Grader of postgraduate assignments on qualitative research and analysis (MSc Child Psychology), ICPS, College for Humanistic Sciences

Visiting Lecturer, Seminar Leader & University Grader, Department of Psychology, Kingston University London

Sep 2018 – Mar 2022
Lecturer & University Grader
  • Module title: Development in Typical and Atypical Populations (PS7006 – MSc Child Psychology)

Lecture’s title: Blind Children’s Socioemotional Development

  • Module title: The Person in Psychology (PS7003 – Level 7)

Lecture’s title: Bronfenbrenner’s Socioecological Model

  • Module title: Forensic Mental Health & Criminal Behaviour (PS5010 – Level 5)

Lecture’s title: Alumni-Career Pathways

  • Module title: Foundations of Psychology (PS4002 – Level 4)

Lecture’s title: Lessons from Evolution (evolutionary theory, natural selection, notion of fitness and applications)

Seminar Leader
  • Module title: Methods and Statistics for MSc Psychology Conversion course (PS7001 – Level 7), two-term module

Preparation and delivery of in-person and online seminars on Qualtrics; JASP; descriptive statistics; Z-scores and normal distribution; ANOVAs (one-way, two-way, repeated measures, factorial); planned comparisons and post-hoc tests correlation analysis, regression (simple and multiple); factor analysis; semi-structured interviews and IPA; marking of quantitative and qualitative reports.

  • Module title: Psychology Research Methods 2 (PS5001 – Level 5), two-term module

Preparation and delivery of in-person seminars on literature searches, ethics, and research design; SPSS; inferential statistics; central tendency and dispersion, standard deviations; Z-scores and t-tests; correlation analysis; regression analysis; ANOVA; chi-square and associations; non-parametric tests; qualitative research; mixed-methods; marking of quantitative and qualitative reports.

  • Module title: Psychology Research Methods 1 (PS4001 – Level 4), two-term module

Preparation and delivery of in-person seminars on aims, research questions and hypotheses; experimental designs; cross-sectional and correlational designs; ethics; reliability and validity; SPSS; descriptive statistics; inferential statistics; t-tests; correlation analysis; non-

parametric tests; chi-square; thematic analysis; marking of quantitative and qualitative reports.

  • Module title: Advanced Developmental Psychology (PS6002 – Level 6), two-term module

Preparation and delivery of online and face-to-face academic seminars on infants’ cognitive and perceptual development, objecthood, number and language development, origins of knowledge, early socio-emotional development, prosocial and antisocial behaviour, Williams Syndrome, Vygotsky and Bronfenbrenner’s theories, assessment preparation (teaching and discussing ways of presenting ideas/ concepts/ statements/ evidence), marking of academic essays on infant cognition.

  • Module title: Advanced Issues in the Psychology of Thinking (PS6008 – Level 6), two-term module

Preparation and delivery of online academic seminars on communication and language, numerical cognition and representation and categorisation in animals.

  • Module title: Social, Individual and Developmental Psychology (PS5002 – Level 5), two-term module

Preparation and delivery of online academic seminars on language and mathematical development and comparative cognition, marking of academic essays on language development.

University Grader
  • Module title: Mental Health and Brain Function (PS5008 – Level 5)

Marking university assignments on Schizophrenia

  • Module title: Historical and Philosophical Concepts in Psychology (PS4003 – Level 4)

Marking university assignments on Freud and internationalisation

  • Module title: Practical Research Skills (FY3002 – Level 3)

Marking academic posters