Grant amount: £9,930
Project title: Redefining sleep: Empowering autism through a participatory approach
Role: Co-Investigator
Grant amount: £10,000.00
Project title: Promoting the school inclusion of children and adolescents with sensory impairment: The development of a digital intervention
Role: Principal Investigator (PI)
Grant amount: £47,599.00
Project title: Developing university guidance for the socio-emotional needs of students with Vision Impairment
Role: Principal Investigator (PI)
Promoting the school inclusion of children and adolescents with sensory impairment: The development of a digital intervention
Outcome: The Institute for Global Innovation within the University of Birmingham agreed to organise and support a one-day workshop with refreshments and lunch for up to 15 participants, and hybrid facilities to allow external participation. This workshop will bring together colleagues from the Schools of Psychology, Education, Computer Science and Chemistry, King’s College, Birmingham City Council and Bristol City Council
Role: Principal Investigator (PI)
Activity title: Phase One of the research project “Developing staff recommendations and a social network for BAME university students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities”
Grant amount: £500
Grant amount: £150
Purpose: Visit to A specialist residential college for young people with visual impairment (
Grant amount: £350
Activity title: Engaging with Eye-YPAG
Grant amount: £500
Grant amount: £165
Grant amount: £1990
Project title: Meeting the social-emotional needs of adolescents with sight impairment and preventing school exclusion: The development of a digital intervention based on an adolescent and adult advisory group
Role: Principal Investigator (PI)
Grant amount: £20.750
Project title: Supporting autistic students in higher education Role: Lab Member
Grant amount: £540
Grant amount: £815
Grant amount: £900
Role: Co-Organiser
Finalist for the Best Postgraduate Teacher Award Kingston University London based on BSc and MSc students’ nominations for exceptional teaching
School of Law, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Kingston University London
Grant amount: £4,5k
Project title: Exploring the service experiences of LGBTQ+ youth with special education needs and disabilities: A multi-perspective focus group study
Role: Co-Investigator
Graduate Research School, Kingston University London
Grant amount: £200
Grant amount: £10k
Project title: How do specialist vision rehabilitation services impact the lives of children and adolescents with visual impairments?
Role: Co-Investigator
Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Kingston University London
Grant amount: £600
Project title: The impact of COVID-19 outbreak on young adults’ alcohol and cigarette consumption
Role: Co-Investigator
Grant amount: £1k
10th Annual Faculty of Business and Social Sciences (FBSS) Conference, Kingston University London
Paper: Self-concept in adolescents with visual impairments
Came first after written and oral examinations, in the field of Special Education